TPDC To Carry out Feasibility Study on Regional Natural Gas Distribution
The Tanzania Petroleum Development Corporation has said it intends to run a feasibility study of the construction of the infrastructure as well as conducting studies of the natural gas markets and then developing regional infrastructure, mini-LNG and CNG in the fiscal year 2017/18.
In a public notice TPDC says this study will aim at seeking ways to connect other regions of Tanzania not supplied starting with the regions of Tanga, Morogoro by Dodoma until 2022.
TPDC adds the main purpose of the feasibility study is to simplify procedures for implementing and coordinating the work of the gas supply in the country with private investors encouraged to participate in the investment of infrastructure.
Already TPDC is expected to carry out various projects to supply natural gas from Dar es Salaam to Bagamoyo, Mkuranga, Lindi, Mtwara and other regions in the country, through joint participation with private investors.
In 2016/17 financial year had planned to revise the feasibility study for the project in Dar es Salaam including the construction of a network of pipes to distribute natural gas in the city of Dar es Salaam (Dar Ring Main-DRM).
On March 22, 2017 TPDC welcomed nine companies that passed the supply criteria for the submission of their recommendations in the audit and review of information previously feasible. Consultations on this project is expected to completed and findings submitted in June, 2017.
According to TPDC the aim of the review the report will lead to improvement in financial reporting, technical requirements and identification of ways to adopt a regional distribution pipelines and distribution.
This network is expected to have a length of about 65 kilometers that will serve, for starters, 30,000 houses and factories.
“To speed up the distribution of gas, TPDC welcomes and encourages the private sector to invest in infrastructure development that will allow the distribution of natural gas in the city of Dar es Salaam, when we complete the review of the feasibility study.”
In the Coast District which is experiencing rapid growth of manufacturing TPDC says it has identified 53 industries that can use natural gas. In February, 2017 Corporation managed to link one Goodwill factory with supply of natural gas. TPDC says it continues to talk to the other three factories for connectivity and network of natural gas. Moreover Organization adds it continues efforts to develop a plan for distribution of natural gas in Coast Province, Bagamoyo and Kibaha, in order to meet the requirements of the relevant district. Implementation of this strategy will be carried out in partnership with the private sector to meet the rapid growth of the use of natural gas.
Mtwara and Lindi
TPDC plans to build infrastructure for the distribution of natural gas in Mtwara and Lindi regions. Feasibility studies for these projects is in the final stages and after completion, the environmental impact assessment will be conducted. The current draft of the feasibility study has determined that in Mtwara Region there will be construction of a network of gas pipelines with a length of 31 kilometers that will serve the house, gas compressor stations on cars and factories.