Kenya awaits World Bank board approval of Kshs.4 billion for multi-agency training

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Kenya is awaiting the approval of $50 million dispatchment as part of the Kenya Petroleum Technical Assistance Project (KEPTAP) that targets to train government agencies including the energy ministry, treasury, National oil Corporation, Kenya Pipeline, Energy Regulatory Commission, State law office among others.

The decision that is expected to be known by August will see government staff trained on data acquisition, oil revenue administration, geotechnical data acquisition, formulation and drafting of comprehensive petroleum policy and formulating and drafting of industry related policy.

KEPTAP is basically divided into four components including: strengthening the capacity of the Government of Kenya (GoK’s) major institutions engaged in the development and governance of the petroleum sector, revenue and investment management, reforms and capacity building, sustainable impact of oil and gas industry reforms and capacity building and project management.

The project is also expected to be used to develop the local skills where there are capacity gaps.

According to energy principal secretary Joseph Njoroge the government will roll out the project as soon as the world bank executive board of directors gives a go ahead even as the ministry develops a communication strategy to manage expectations and for better flow of information on the sector.

The capacity building comes even as Kenya plans to start production in the next 3 years according to the earliest projections with several infrastructural projects to support the production on course with the advertising of a lead consultant for the east African crude oil pipeline.

Five designs for the pipeline have also been submitted by six consortiums that include Tullow oil, CNOOC, LAPSSET, Toyota Tshusho and Total.

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