New discovery at Mzia Discovery raises Tanzania resources to 15 tcf

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] BG Group has announced an increase in total recoverable resources for the Mzia discovery and across Blocks 1, 3 and 4 offshore southern Tanzania, marking the conclusion of … Read More

Tullow Oil’s international scholarship awards to boost mining sector

10 scholars from Kenya have received the Tullow Group Scholarships and are already in the process of selecting their universities of choice in the UK for further studies. The Tullow … Read More

Where, or what, are the most exciting opportunities to be found today in Africa?

By Charles Gurdon, Managing Director, Menas Associates Africa currently, undoubtedly, provides the world’s most exciting oil sector investment opportunities but, to be more precise in terms of where and what … Read More

Indigenous companies to account for over 30% of oil and gas production in Nigeria within 5 years

Atlantic Energy Co-CEO, Scott Aitken made a presentation at the African Oil Week, one of the largest oil and gas conferences held on the African continent held in Cape Town, … Read More