Uganda needs $8-12 billion for oil production – Tullow Oil

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] Uganda will require fiscal terms that offer the right incentives to invest capital and take up front risks if it is to realize the vast amounts of capital … Read More

Tullow Oil pioneers in publishing extractive industry transparency report

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] In 2012, Tullow generated sales revenue of $2.3 billion. Governments received $573 million in taxes, royalties and other payments and over three million barrels of oil in relation … Read More

Africa Oil reduces well drilling time in Kenya as costs increase

[twitter-follow screen_name=’oilnewskenya’] Africa oil will in 2014 shift to synthetic based muds in well drilling in Kenya as the company drives at cutting down well drilling durations. The synthetic based … Read More

Kenyan government plans to increase petroleum products storage capacity

Kenya hopes to increase its storage capacity of petroleum products by 22 percent in the next 3 years in anticipation of increasing demand and increased product from a new pipeline … Read More